How to Stop Biting your Nails
Nail biting is generally an addiction starts from the
childhood and if does not stop, it continues to the adulthood. Nail biting
leads to the damaging of tissues around the skin that tends to make nail growth
and the nails feel sore. Due to nail biting, the infection, viruses and harmful
bacteria are passed from your nails to your mouth and then intestine. A child
is so delicate so he will be attacked immediately. Many side effects have been
noticed due to nail biting and one of the major things is that nail biting
makes your nails looking ugly.
Here are some tips recommended from the dermatologists in
order to stop nail biting as quickly as possible:
1. Keep your nails trimmed short: Less growth of
nail will help in stopping the nail biting.
2. Apply bitter-tasting nail polish to your nails: This
nail polish will not reach you any harm but being awful in taste, it dismays
people from nail biting habit.
3. Get regular manicures: To keep your nails
beautiful and attractive, you will have to do manicures at the regular manner. Another
easy way you can do is cover your nails with any tape or stickers or wear
gloves in order to prevent the nail biting.
4. Replace the nail-biting with a good habit: Play
silly things and let your hands busy in any work to avoid nail biting, it will
turn your bad habit to a good habit.
5. Identify your triggers: Physical triggers are
highly recommended for this problem like presence of hangnails, boredom, stress
or anxiety. Identify that what is the situation with you that triggers your
mind to bite your nails. Once you identified, avoid that situation and create a
plan to stop this bad habit.
6. Try to gradually stop biting your nails: Doctors
suggestion would never be failed. They gave an idea to gradually sort out the
problem regarding the nail biting such as stop biting one set of nails like
first your thumb nails, if successful, stop the pointer and pinky nails and
gradually it will goes through the entire hand. It will reduce the habit in a
slow and gradual way.
Sometimes nail biting may be a serious psychological or
emotional problem. In this situation, you would have to consult a doctor. If
nail infection occurs, consult with dermatologist.
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